My Learning Style

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Last Friday Pak Iwan asked us to make a picture about a learning situation that came up in our mind. I drew a learning situation which happened outside the classroom. There were students and a teacher, practiced their knowledge about plant with the real plant directly. The teacher explained the prior knowledge, and then the students were allowed to touch the plant, and spread the fertilizer by themselves.

I think it is what I think about a learning situation, where the students are taught by relate the subject in the real context. It can make the students memorizing more than if they are taught by textbook only. Maybe unconsciously I chose to draw that picture because I myself like that learning situation. I like to see or touch the things that my teacher explains because I learn better when the topic is visualized. I also like when my teacher told us to do some body movement, because I usually feel sleepy if my teacher only ask us to read and write and explains the topic from the textbook only.

My picture represent construction learning model which delivered through discussion, discovery, open-ended learning, and making connections. The students are expected to form or construct their own way to memorize or understand the topic, and the teacher only facilitate them by giving instruction and provide the materials or media. Maybe the students will feel confuse when they did not get the exact answer for their questions, but like Pak Iwan said; “when the student feel confuse, it means that the learning process is happening”.

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Journal of a journey, knowing myself by reflecting the experience as a free educator and share the feelings and thoughts along the journey...