The Best Method

            I think Science-Research and Art-Craft Conception are the best method that can be used. In Science-Research Conception, we can find the most appropriate based on the observation result. In science-research conception we can observe the best teaching method through Audiolingualism, where students can be accustomed to use language because of the repeated action or as a habit formation. 

            The other approach in Science-Research conception is Task-Based Language Teaching, which involves negotiation of meaning and facilitates the appropriate language form and communicative function. This approach gives freedom to students to do the task by their own ways. From the research result we can find out the best task that we can use to increase students’ achievement in language learning.

            I think Art-Craft Conception is also a good approach because every teacher has different abilities, so they can apply their own technique as long it is appropriate with the situation. A teacher should have different approach for different situation because the effectiveness of an approach can not always be the same in different situation. I think every technique can be applied as long it does not limited students’ freedom to do the assignment and let them explore their abilities to find their own way to study.

            I think Science-Research and Art-craft conception can be collaborated, because from the research result, we can find out what kind of situations that we have to face at the classroom. By that research result we know the situations that we have to deal with, so we can prepare the most appropriate techniques that can be applied in the class.

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