Enjoy the Teaching Experience!

In our second week, my observation group taught narrative text for first grade. My group did some    activities to deliver the materials. First of all, we told the students to do the “we will rock you claps” to wake them up. When they were already to start the lesson, we divided them into ten groups, and then delivered pieces of paper which contained characteristics of narrative and recount text. We wanted to make them able to differentiate between narrative and recount text. They have to decide which one belong to narrative, and which one belong to recount characteristics.

When we already checked their answer, we delivered a piece of flip chart to each group. We commanded them to decide whose going to be the logistic, encourager, time keeper, and illustrator. They were very excited when I asked them to make a narrative story based on the tittles that we delivered. We wanted to do this assignment differently, so I told them that they have to create their own ending for their story and they also have to make the illustration, all in 30 minutes. We did this activities to accustom them to write a text fast because last week or master teacher said that the students always delay to submit their writing assignment.

That activities was effective because the students could finish the writing assignment ontime and every members of the group contributed to the group work. They also accustomed to write sentences in simple past tense form. The time limitation that we gave made them felt under pressure and wanted to finish it on time and also correct. I could see from their discussion that they always remind each other to use verb in the past form.
In the last class, we made a game that can be used to evaluate whether if the students already be able to create sentences in simple past tense form spontaneously or not. Fortunately, they were very enthusiast and answer the questions that we gave correctly.

After all that activities still ineffective, because it cannot be done in one or two class meeting. We also could not make sure that the students could make the text individually or not because they did it in a group.
In the last class meeting, we asked the students to give us a feedback from each student. We were very glad when we read their comment about us. Most of them said that they were very excited with our method, they felt not under pressure and enjoyed the lesson. Even some of them asked us to teach them longer.
We were very sad when we have to say goodbye to our master teacher and our temporary students. They were very welcome and nice. Our master teacher guided us gently and gave us a freedom to manage the class. She let us to use our own lesson plan and help us to manage the students if they were too crowded. The students were also nice and enthusiastic with everything that we bring into the class.

It was a wonderful experience of our first teaching practice. Especially when I heard about my other friends’ experience, some of them met the conservative master teacher and uncooperative students. We hope we can meet this school again for the next school visit because I felt very comfortable with the school atmosphere, they were very welcome with the new method and style that we bring. It made us felt free to explore our ability that we learn in SSE, and increase our confidence.

Ineffective Teacher whom Inspiring Me

        Actually I do not think that there is a teacher who inspiring me to become a teacher. I never meet a teacher who can teach effectively and also fun since I was a primary school student. It was getting worse when I was in senior high school. I got into an advance class when I was in the first grade because I have got high scores in UAN SMP. It made some teachers thought that our class has the best students, so we could study by ourselves. Some of them seemed like they did not really want to teach, give us tasks to do, then left the class. It made me lost my respect to teachers.
       Some teachers were very smart and kind, but I could not understand everything that they tried to explain. The other was smart, kind, and I could understand what they tried to explain, but I did not feel engage or wanted to learn more. I did not know why, maybe it because of me myself, I am too lazy or too stupid to follow the lesson. My scores were decrease and I did not have any intention at all to fix it because I was sure that my teacher could not answer my question just like the way I wanted it to.
      Somehow, my ineffective teachers made me thought; “If I am the teacher, I could teach better than them”. Maybe I can say that they inspired me to become a teacher, proving my words that I can do better. I want to prove that teacher can make an effective teaching, cover the students’ needs if they really want to.

My Learning Style

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Last Friday Pak Iwan asked us to make a picture about a learning situation that came up in our mind. I drew a learning situation which happened outside the classroom. There were students and a teacher, practiced their knowledge about plant with the real plant directly. The teacher explained the prior knowledge, and then the students were allowed to touch the plant, and spread the fertilizer by themselves.

I think it is what I think about a learning situation, where the students are taught by relate the subject in the real context. It can make the students memorizing more than if they are taught by textbook only. Maybe unconsciously I chose to draw that picture because I myself like that learning situation. I like to see or touch the things that my teacher explains because I learn better when the topic is visualized. I also like when my teacher told us to do some body movement, because I usually feel sleepy if my teacher only ask us to read and write and explains the topic from the textbook only.

My picture represent construction learning model which delivered through discussion, discovery, open-ended learning, and making connections. The students are expected to form or construct their own way to memorize or understand the topic, and the teacher only facilitate them by giving instruction and provide the materials or media. Maybe the students will feel confuse when they did not get the exact answer for their questions, but like Pak Iwan said; “when the student feel confuse, it means that the learning process is happening”.

First Week Observation

             My observation group did not observe the class yet because everytime we entered the classroom, the teacher asked us to teach the students. We did not know whether if the classroom learning was effective or not.
             On the first day we entered the classroom, we were surprised because our master teacher suddenly asked us to take the responsibility to handle the class. It was hard to manage the class because there were forty students in the class and it was very crowded.
          This week the students are learning about recount and narrative text. Our master teacher said that it was hard to ask the students to write. They always repeat the same mistake eventhough the teacher already told them about the right grammar and the appropriate sentence structure. They also did not really like to write, because they always delay submitting their writing task.
          Fortunately, we already discussed with our master teacher about the activity that we were going to do before we entered the class, we proposed some activities that can be done by group work. Our master teacher was not sure about the group work because based on her experience, not all of the group member give contribution to the group work.
          The teacher already explained about the text orientation on the last meeting, and actually the teacher had also assigned them to make a recount text. The teacher was quite sure that they have not finished the assignment yet. The teacher wanted the students to finish their recount text, so we agreed to ask them to make a recount text in groups to make it faster.
          We divided the class into ten groups which consist of four students randomly. Actually it was only an ordinary activity, but the students seemed interested and “awake” maybe it because they have to move to find their group. Probably it also because of the teachers hardly asks them to work in group.
They could finish their work in thirty five minutes, but they seemed bored at the end of the class when they have to give attention to the other group’s presentation. The teacher said that it was interesting, but my observation group still thought that it was not effective yet.
          On the next day we already prepared everything to teach the next class, we wanted to create other activities that could be more interesting and effective. Actually we did not really create the activities, we just combine the activities that we have done in our class in SSE, and so we can say that we stole our lecturers’ idea.
          Firstly, we divided the students into groups again, and then we did the “We will rock you claps” to get the students’ attention just like what we did in Pak Iwan’s PETA class. After that, we gave them pieces of paper and they have to differentiate which one are belong to narrative’s characteristics and which one are belong to recount. For that activity, we stole it from Ibu Gum in LTM class.
         Once again, we stole Pak Iwan’s method and decided who became the logistic, encourager, time keeper, and illustrator in each group. They have to create a narrative story based on the title that we gave to them. We allowed them to create the story just like the way they want to. For example, they could change snow white into a frog at the end of the story and they were very exited to start their own story.
         We only gave twenty minutes to them to finish their writing. We were expecting that if they have very limited time, they would feel that they were in a competition so they could finish it faster, and it works! They tried to do it as fast as they could, even the time keeper forgot their job because they were too focus to finish their story. Some group’s time keeper tried to trick us and stopped the time on their mobile phone so they have more time to finish it. We did not mind, even actually we were very grateful because it means that they were enthusiast to do their best. Finally, the time was up and most of them did not finish their work but they seemed like they just have a nice time.
          The teacher thanks to us because our method could make the students finish the narrative text faster and they have improved their writing. She also said that we did a good job, but there were a weakness; time management. It was hard for us because we have a very limited time. The lesson time also have to decrease because of the time which the students need to enter the class because they have a moving class system.
We already prepared the time management for the next class. I felt confident enough because we already did the teaching simulations in SSE, but in the real class with the real students, especially a class with forty students, I think I did not ready yet to teach alone.

Learn, learn, and learn..

          When I heard about PETA (Principle of Effective Teaching and Assessment), I felt a little bit afraid because I think create an effective teaching is one of the most important ability that I have to master as a teacher candidate. When Pak Iwan introduced this subject in our class, I realized that there are a lot of things to be prepared to make an effective teaching.

          I like Pak Iwan’s class when he asks us to work in group, or do the class discussion. last Monday Pak Iwan showed us a video and we also discuss vignettes. I think the discussion about the video is very effective, because we can express our thoughts, and it also give me new point of view.

          Actually I never think about being a teacher before I entered SSE. I started to think about teacher and teaching from the orientation days in SSE. I have got a lot of knowledge and motivation from the facilitators who delivered materials in those 5 days. I watched videos and heard many about teacher and education which inspiring me to be a good teacher. Maybe the word “good” teacher sounds simple and ordinary, but after I spent my days in SSE I learn what good teacher is, I find that it is not an easy job at all. I do not even think that it is a job anyway… It just like a duty for people who cares about education.

           Sometimes my friends and I discuss about what kind of teacher that we going to be someday. Mostly, we think about how to make the class fun and exciting for our students, but when Pak Iwan asked us, “Is it important to make the class fun? And are you sure that “fun” is effective?” It burdens me because honestly, I am afraid I cannot be an effective teacher. I am afraid that if one day I get lack of idea because I have done all of my idea to make the class fun and effective. However, I have learnt from my friends every time we have a group presentation. They always have something new and creative ways to deliver ideas or materials.

           My goal is very simple, I just want to make my students like the subject which I teach. In my experience, when you like a subject you will do your best on it. Eventhough I have a lot of anxieties, I am sure that I can reach my goals.

            I will be in learning process in my whole life, so I will not stop improving by maximize all the things that I have. Anyway, I have a lot of friends who will assist me too.  So I won’t be afraid no more…

The Best Method

            I think Science-Research and Art-Craft Conception are the best method that can be used. In Science-Research Conception, we can find the most appropriate based on the observation result. In science-research conception we can observe the best teaching method through Audiolingualism, where students can be accustomed to use language because of the repeated action or as a habit formation. 

            The other approach in Science-Research conception is Task-Based Language Teaching, which involves negotiation of meaning and facilitates the appropriate language form and communicative function. This approach gives freedom to students to do the task by their own ways. From the research result we can find out the best task that we can use to increase students’ achievement in language learning.

            I think Art-Craft Conception is also a good approach because every teacher has different abilities, so they can apply their own technique as long it is appropriate with the situation. A teacher should have different approach for different situation because the effectiveness of an approach can not always be the same in different situation. I think every technique can be applied as long it does not limited students’ freedom to do the assignment and let them explore their abilities to find their own way to study.

            I think Science-Research and Art-craft conception can be collaborated, because from the research result, we can find out what kind of situations that we have to face at the classroom. By that research result we know the situations that we have to deal with, so we can prepare the most appropriate techniques that can be applied in the class.

About this blog.

Journal of a journey, knowing myself by reflecting the experience as a free educator and share the feelings and thoughts along the journey...