Multiple Intelligences

           Last week Pak Iwan gave us a Multiple Intelligences indicator test. We answer the questions on the test based on our personal thought about our own behaviors. Pak Iwan told us to count our score, and find what our type is from the eight multiple intelligence types. When he asked us about who get the highest score in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, I was the only one who raised hand. I also got the spatial intelligence as the second highest score, and interpersonal intelligence as the third.
            I think the test result is very suit me, because I always like to move in every activity, even sometimes my friends told me to stop move and sit calmly. I like to play a role and get bored when I study without any body movement in the classroom activity.
I am also exited if I have to draw something and I can make a formula in symbols to reflect my idea. It is probably the reason why I got high score in spatial intelligence.
I am very lucky because I have extra point in interpersonal intelligence. It means that I can adjust when I work in a group. I always like a group work, because it helps me a lot to do assignments if I share ideas with my friends. Sometimes it is hard for me to start to do an assignment because I get a lack of idea and I need someone else to start first and then I can get in and share my idea. I feel that group work can be more fun and effective because we can combine our different intelligences. I realized that when my friends and I had collaboration in a project, it always give me inspiration to use our collaboration ideas when I become a teacher someday.

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2 komentar:

Devieta Noor Afini 8 Januari 2011 pukul 06.21  

Yes Arlin, it is important to know about multiple intelligence especially for teachers to know much better about students. So, just knowing the knowledge or theory is not enough. We have to really plant it in our mind that we will applied it in the real life. Is that right ? Goodluck teachers !!!!! We can do that :-)

arlinbaracuda 11 Januari 2011 pukul 17.30  

That's right Dedep,

as a student, Isn't it nice if our teacher could apply an activity which covers our multiple intelligence?

Then as a teacher we should cover our students' multiple intelligences too, right?

Yeah, we can do that!! :))

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